Sunday, June 24, 2007

Weekend in Wyoming

We just got back from visiting our friends Ryan and Melissa Mikesell in Riverton, Wyoming. We drove there with some of our other friends David and Jen Wheat. It was a nice get away and great to see the Mikesells again. The drive is beautiful! We pass the Grand Tetons, Yellowstone and in doing so we saw several herds of buffalo, elk, and deer. While we were in Riverton we spent the whole day Saturday hiking up to several waterfalls, it was a lot of fun. We had a backpack for Hannah and all six of us took turns holding Joshua. At the end of the trail are several pools of water, and one rock slide down a waterfall that we slid off of into the water. It was fun, but very cold. It was a fantastic weekend!


Anna said...

I am so excited that you emailed me back. I love your babysite and look forward to your blog. Your kids are so adorable. Joshua is so grown up and handsome! I hope you are enjoying your summer in Rexburg!

Kirk and Janelle Tingey said...

How fun to get to see the Mikesells! I'm jealous!

Sara Love said...

Hello Wallaces! Found your blog thru Alex and Anna's blog. Hope you are well! What are you up to? BTW- we loved your Joshua's name (and him too, of course! :) hope you don't mind us using the name, well, I guess it's a little late. Check out our blog, if you have some time. :)

MikeG Family said...

Nicole - it's Tiffany George! I just happened to run across your blog and I was so excited! I have been wondering about you guys for a while now. I don't know how else to get in touch with you, so my email is, or our blog is I hope you guys are doing well, and I hope to hear from you soon! --Tiff G

becky ward said...

NICOLE! It's been ages. I was so excited to find a link to your blog. Where are you these days? I was excited to see pictures of your little family on Melissa's blog. Your little ones are too cute! I would love to hear from you. Drop me a line if you find some time.

Unknown said...

Nicole, where have you been? I need to talk to you and visit with you so I will just have to call you. I hope you answer your phone you busy woman you! Love you tons!

Sandy said...

Nicole, its too bad we couldn't be there that weekend you went to see the Mikesells I think we just missed you. Oh I hope you all are doing great and I look forward to more pictures of you guys. Keep in touch. Sandy
p.s. our blog is