Saturday, March 28, 2009

Movin' On

Ok, I know that I've been neglecting blogging for quite some time, with the last 5 weeks of colds, strep, and sinus infections it's been rather difficult. We are hopefully on the mend and I will be checking all of your blogs & leaving feedback cause' I certainly miss being in touch. We hope that all of you are well and that life is good.

With any luck, I'll be able to find a name that Benson likes for our little boy on the way and we'll be able to start calling him by it. I say luck only because Benson has rejected multiple name suggestions-lol.


Jensen said...

I hope that there are not any complications with you or your baby. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Keep us updated.

Aggieland Mom said...

So glad you are doing better. I just got over a sinus infection too, it was awful! Congrats on the baby boy! Boy names were hard for us too. Goodluck! said...

just got your moving e-mail! SOO excited for you guys. Maybe we'll be out there in a few years too! (we're debating there and Texas as well :)
Good luck with the baby birth and I hope everything goes really smoothly for you. Good to hear about Josh's progress as well--yea!!!