Friday, November 20, 2009

Great News!

After re-reading my last post it seems obvious to me now that I was really excited that we've been so blessed to be here, and I hope that it didn't come off as bragging :/. Anywho I'm just so stinkin' excited about Joshua and his progress this year in school. He's already doing addition, and reading books by himself. When I was in kindergarten I remember melting crayons on foil over a hot plate and practicing staying in the lines as we colored. Times have really changed, and it was a public school. Anyway, he's really been excelling in all areas. I'm so proud of him because he was so obviously behind before, especially socially. He hasn't had any therapy since April, but seems to be doing great with just school instead-what a relief! Also he appears more and more as a typical child too, Hannah as well. What a blessing to be here, Heavenly Father knows exactly what we need, even if one does have to move to the desert to get it :).
I just had to share my excitement & I hope you are all well!


kristen said...

What a smart boy - we always knew he was!

Katy said...

you never have to apologize for anything on your blog, it's always so great!!!! and way to GO Joshua!!

ellsworth family said...

I am so happy for your sweet family!

Lisa A. Smith said...

Joshua rocks!