Sunday, June 1, 2008

Another Wyoming visit

It's funny that I only write after we go see Melissa and Ryan Mikesell, but I guess they get us pumped up to blog. We had a great weekend in Wyoming although the weather wasn't agreeing with us. Celeste is beautiful! She was so much fun to hold, and watch. Joshua and Hannah sure loved her, a little too closely at times too. She looks just like Ryan, but I know that Melissa did the carrying. Melissa kepy saying "you know you want another one." We do of course but all in good time, Hannah's birth was difficult for me, I guess I need a little more recoupe time. We heard that we had just missed the Walton's again, it's funny how we keep doing that.
We also just saw the Wheats! They were able to stop by Idaho Falls on their way back to SLC. from Rexburg. It was so awesome to see our Texan friends again. Texas is so far away. We were able to catch up, and laugh with the Wheaties again. It felt like we were at the courtyard again, just with better accomodations. We are so grateful to have met so many awesome people at the Courtyard, we sure had fun! We miss all of you and hope that you are doing well.

The Wallaces

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