Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hannah's Potty Trained!!!

Finally, after months of half heartedly potty training Hannah is able to stay dry, even during most nights and naps. We were just so tired still working with Joshua on his potty training that we kind of over looked Hannah for a while (Joshua is great at peein' it's just the medical problems with poopin' that he has trouble with). We were glad that she took the initiative after seeing her new undies, and she had it down in about three days.


Unknown said...

yippee! Not many diapers needed at your house anymore. Congratulations to you all.

Lynette said...

Your blog! Now I can "blog-stalk", too!! :) My life is complete. :)

I'm glad your cute Hannah is potty trained. It takes so much work, but it's sooooo worth it! :)

Jill said...

Any advice on potty training? How old is Hannah? By the way, your kids are incredibly cute! Love your blog!