Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Joshua's An Angel!

Last week I was doing the dishes while Benson was on the computer. Joshua was just hanging out by Benson when he turned and said "Mommy, you sure do a good job on the house." It was so sweet and so innocent...I hugged him for about five minutes and told him how nice that was to hear from him. He's always been there with profound comments, and loads of love. What would we do without him!


Ryan and Melissa said...

Awe, how sweet! We miss you guys tons, too. And to answer your question, no, I don't think Celeste could get any cuter! Thanks for your comments!

Jensen said...

That is so cute! What a sweet little boy!

meng said...

I love thoes stories. Yeah for blogging! I am glad we can keep in touch better now through our blogs.