Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dear Santa

This year we helped the kids write letters to Santa, and we got some pretty typical and interesting answers. You will find Hannah & Joshua's letter below.

Dear Santa,

My name is Hannah Wallace, and I am 2 years old. I have been a good girl this year. I would like you to bring me a dolly, a brown puppy, and a pink kitty cat. I would also like a carrot. Thank you.

Hannah Wallace

Dear Santa,

My name is Joshua Wallace, and I am 4 years old. I have been pretty good this year. I would like for you to bring me some cars for Christmas. I would like them to be blue. Be safe with all your reindeer and flying in your sleigh.

Thank you,
Joshua Wallace

We had to laugh at some of their requests, they are so cute. Last year after Christmas, Joshua asked if Santa could come over everyday.


Katy said...

So cute! I love that Hannah asked for a carrot, what a doll! And Joshua has a smart thing going, asking Santa to come over every day... it's like asking the genie for a million more wishes!

Brooke said...

Hi Nicole, love your blog! Kristen gave me the address and it's been fun to browse and see the pictures of your cute family. Congratulations on your upcoming baby, hope all goes well. let's stay in touch

Aggieland Mom said...

Those are so cute! I love the request for a pink kitty! Congrats on expecting!!