Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I'm a Present!

We recently put up our Chrstmas tree with the kids and they can't seem to look at it enough or find new things to hang on it. Last night Joshua layed far under the tree and said "Look everyone, I'm a present under the tree, who wants to open me?" Hannah quickly said "me." It was so funny! The things kids say are often rather hilarious, I love it when their innocence shines through & reminds us even more that they are from God.


Jensen said...

That is so cute! I love when little children say perfectly innnocent things, it always makes me smile!

Unknown said...

We will unwrap him too, as long as we get to keep him. haha They are such cute kids and we hope you have a great holiday season.

PS I did NOT make pies, David got them from work. hehe I haven't tackled that task yet.

Ryan and Melissa said...

How cute! We miss you!