Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Setting the Record Straight

A few days ago I posted a long list of things I had and hadn't done in my life thus far. One thing on the list that I recieved was if I had or had not gone skinny dipping. Of course I haven't, but I wanted to see what reaction I could get out of those who know us. I laughed hard as I only got one response- thanks Jill for being brave. Anyway, I think Im pretty brave, just not brave enought to go skinny dipping.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok so I did read your list and was quite impressed with things you've done! Then I read skinny dippin' and I thought..
"No way!!, it must have been a dare or something" haha
I am glad you set the record straight! You are very brave and someday you may just try it! (not that I have, no way, but I had roommates who did)