Thursday, January 1, 2009

Our New Year!

Well, one more year has passed, and we've had many experiences and happenings to keep us busy in 2008. We're excited for this new year and for what it holds for us. Only two things we know for sure-a new baby and a move to some far away & warm place where it never snows! Joshua and Benson love the snow, and Hannah & I loathe it. We're hoping for Texas-it's our second choice to Europe which we sadly felt that it was not the time for us to be there (we're still very sad about it, but God has blessings for us here). At the end of the day, we're still quite unsure where we'll be, only time and a good salary will tell :). We hope that all of you have a good year in 2009, and that many blessings will come your way!


Unknown said...

Come to TEXAS!! More specifically San Antonio!! :) Oh and sorry to Melissa, if you read this we had NOTHING to do with their choice of Texas. :)

Brooke said...

move to Tucson! It doesn't snow here and the winters are perfect!

Mrs. Wallace said...

Thank you for your input, we are excited to find out ourselves where we'll end up. Hannah & I just need warm weather for a few years, then maybe somewhere with a little snow somewhere down the road :).

kristen said...

Austin is smaller than San Antonio and a bit less humid too : ) But we will love you just the same wherever you end up! If you do end up down here, we would absolutely love to have family near for the holidays (even a few hours away). They get kinda lonely. We are so happy to hear that you are almost done!

Stacie S-H said...

Yeah Yeah if you come to Arizona that'd be so super cool & when you and Benson go to the temple, I could babysit Joshua & Hannah!