Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sewing Again

It's been so long since I last used my sewing machine, mainly because I broke it, but it has been fixed for a few months. I finally decided to pull it back out and I'm thinking about using it, but I haven't yet. Hannah and I did go purchase some fabric for the new baby, she liked to tell me (in a very loud voice) what the "boy" baby in my stomach wanted for blankets, it was really cute! We did however select boy fabric for the job, so if it's the other model, we'll have to go get some more fabric. I am thoroughly convinced it's a boy, but we'll see. I've felt that there's been one waiting for quite some time to come into our family.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hannah just wants to wrestle with another brother and take him down too! Happy sewing, you are so good at it!