Wednesday, February 18, 2009


OK, here are the pictures I promised to post of my latest crafts. I already posted the burp cloths, so here are the rest.
Baby Legs-these go from the ankle to the thigh, we tuck socks under them and they look like tights. Only $1-2 a pair. You can go to to view the real thing. There are two of each, but I only photographed one :).
Tutu-OK, this didn't turn out like I'd hoped, I actually have a far better pattern for my second attempt which will happen shortly. Joshua likes to put it on his head like an afro.

Hair Clips- Here is my first attempt at hair clips for Hannah, they don't look too bad, but we do live in Idaho.

We love you all!


Ryan and Melissa said...

You are so crafty! I love them all! Espeically the hair them! We miss you guys!

Giles Fam said...

Nicole, I'm so impressed! how did you make the baby legs??

Unknown said...

love all of them! And if Tyler was a girl I would be all over those hair clips! You are the craftiest person!