Monday, February 9, 2009

Tutu, Baby Legs & More

It's been a while since our last update, partly due to being busy and partly due to being sick from baby. I have however been busy sewing various projects and have worked on some fun things. I made Hannah a ballerina tutu, and two pairs of baby legs. A friend told me about the existence of baby legs & what exactly they were, so I decided to make my own. They are essentially baby leg warmers that go up to the thigh to keep baby warm. They are so cute & the differing designs make them even more adorable. I'll post pics when I can round them up, Hannah loves to wear them around the house, so I have to search for them. That'll teach me to let them out of my sight before taking pics :)! We love you all & hope that things are going well for you.


Unknown said...

You always have cute projects you create! can't wait to see pictures. And we voted BOY!

Ben and Cortney said...

Hey guys, I am sorry you have been sick having just gone through that with Cortney all I can say is give my best to...Benson. guys definately got it easy.

Just so we know we almost named our new baby Hannah, thought you guys would get a kick out of that.

All the best
