Saturday, March 21, 2009

Baby Boy!!!

Yep, we're having a boy & he's definitely a Wallace boy. Joshua & Benson both sleep with their arms above their heads and the baby was doing just that during the ultrasound-I had to laugh. The baby is healthy, including a three vessel cord which is a great relief. No names just yet, but hopefully soon. We'll keep you posted.


Katy said...

YAAAAY!!! Congrats! That's so cute about the arms above their heads.. hilarious!! Hope all's well!

Unknown said...

woohoo! A Benson Jr. Jr. we can't wait to meet him.

Ryan and Melissa said...

Congratulations Wallaces! I tried calling you the other day, Nicole, but no answer. Call me back when you get a chance!

Jensen said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! That will be SO much fun! Is Joshua excited to have a little brother?

Jill said...

Yay! We're so excited for you! Hope everything is going well!

kristen said...

So your mom told us last night...about the boy and the possibility of you guys going to Phoenix for a job - at least you may be 14 hours away! That is better than Utah and Houston is a smart place to stay away from. Love you guys and I'll see you in May!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a baby boy! Yay! Some family traits are definitly dominant, so cute that he's exibiting them already! Congrats again.

Rachel said...

YAY for baby boys! Congrats to you guys!