Friday, April 3, 2009

We're Moving to Phoenix!!!

Dear Friends and Family,
Benson has accepted a job offer in the Phoneix area, and we will be moving shortly after his graduation. He graduates on the 10th of April and our projected move date will be in mid May. We're excited to finally be finished with under grad work, and have a new start somewhere that we've never lived before. It'll also be nice to have warm winters where we can hike year round (the summers are a different story :), quite different from Idaho Falls.

We did a lot of deliberating over where we should go, closer to family or to states that pay more (Texas), but we felt strongly about Phoenix. We have 9 close family friends, and mission companions that we'll know there already, plus a few sun birds from the Courtyard that we've kept in touch with. Phoenix has great libraries, community centers, commuity pools and parks so we'll have plenty to do. Phoenix also has great autism services for Joshua, even though he's been or being discharged from all his therapies due to his progress (he will start kindergarten without an IEP-yeah)!

Some ask why we are going so early, it's mainly for me to find a Dr. that I like and trust to deliver our little boy in July/August, and to get things set up, and organized.
Rexburg & Idaho falls have provided great experiences for us while we were here, we will miss the people we have met here, low crime, the Tetons, and Huckleberry picking, as well as great backpacking, but southern Utah is only 5 hours away, as well as lake Powell.

We will be getting new cell phone numbers sometime over the summer, so you can keep in touch with us through e-mail, facebook, or our blog. We love you all and thank you for your friendship and support.

Benson & Nicole Wallace

P.S. For those of you who haven't been to Phoenix you can check out cool photos at this address:


Giles Fam said...

YAY! I grew up in Mesa & am so jealous of your move! I absolutely love the Valley of the Sun. So many cool things to do and so many cool people. I love it there and would move back in a SECOND!! Good luck with everything!

Unknown said...

Is that in TEXAS??? haha JK We are so happy for you guys and this big new adventure. Heard great things about Phoenix so you picked a great place. Are you talking about the Rassmussens or Duke and Teddy? Good luck moving! We will have to come visit someday.

Tiffany said...

yay! we love phoenix. we actually just moved up to salt lake from being in mesa for 2 1/2 years. we LOVED it there! if you have any questions at all, let me know! is my email. there are good places to live and horrific places to live. so if you want to know anything, just holler! you'll love the winters. summers aren't so bad. you just go swimming like every day. not too shabby if you ask me! congrats and have fun! it's a wonderful place to live (well, not phoenix, but surrounding areas are- phoenix is quite scary).

Sandy said...

Congrats that is so exciting, ryan and I are considering Arizona too well at least warm places. I am done with winter and I want St. George weather again. I am sure your going to love it there good luck with the move and the baby. I'm so happy for you guys!!!

meng said...

That is so exciting. Good luck with the move and finding new doctors. Congrats to Benson!

Jensen said...

That is really cool, well warm I guess :)! Good luck with everything! Send some warm weather this way when you move!

Anna said...

Congrats on graduating and landing a job! Alex and I just moved to the Phoenix area last week. We are looking for a house in Gilbert, just east of Phoenix. What area will you be living? I am sure you have checked out the housing market, but it is amazing! So many foreclosures for great prices! Let us know when you get here, we will have to get together and catch up. Good luck with the move, and hopefully we will see you soon!

kristen said...

We will have to send you a cactus seed packet! We love you guys and glad to be a bit closer.

ellsworth family said...

It has definitely been a while since we last talked. I found your blog through Fry's and saw that you had moved. Darn it! I was even thinking of getting a hold of you to see if you wanted to watch the airshow together this year. Well stink.
Congrats with the little one on the way! I got rid of my cell so I don't have your #, plus I don't have your email. Wow, what a bad friend I am! Email me
Love you!!!