Friday, June 12, 2009

Are You Done Yet?

Our ward play group meets on Fridays, so today was the day. We all met at the GlennWilde community pool and had a great time. Joshua recognized a little boy from his primary class and they hung out on and off (I was so glad because he still has a hard time going to primary). The little boy started to tell Joshua stories about his sister and his leg & how it bled when he got hurt, and right in the middle Joshua said "Are you done yet?" The little boy (Drew) didn't respond so Joshua tried again "Are you done yet cause' I wanna' go?" I couldn't help but laugh; he was trying to be polite, but missed the mark just a little. Kids say the funniest things. Besides that, I got a burn at 9:30 am, crazy huh?


Unknown said...

We miss that boy!! He is a hoot and give him a big hug for us. And Hannah too! How are you feeling? Is baby boy wallace coming along nicely? :) We hope you are doing well in Arizona!! Love you guys!

Ryan and Melissa said...

That's great! Love the story! I just saw your count down says 55 more days. Is that real? Where did the time go? We miss you! Give me a call sometime, or I'll call you soon!