Thursday, December 4, 2008

Joshua's Been Mainstreamed!!!

Most, if not all of you know that Joshua was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (there are 5 types ) in 2006. He has received therapy though since the age of 7 months due to other developmental concerns. This has been a big help because the therapy for autism is administered by the same professionals that he was already seeing. So, in short, he was a year and a half ahead with therapy. His IEP meeting was this week with his school teacher and she said that he no longer qualifies for school services, including preschool. She said that he was scoring far higher than his typical peers in all areas of development. Joshua will attend regular classes for his schooling-YEAH!!! The only way he stands out now is at home, that's the only place he has tantrums-lucky us huh :)! Wow, I can't believe I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, it's been 4 (almost 5 years) of grueling and exhausting therapy, but now it's not-yeah again!


becky ward said...

that is a big deal! congratulations to all of you!

Stacie S-H said...

Yay yay that is awesome & exciting news!!

Jensen said...

I am so excited for you!! Ryan's brother has 3 autistic children, we have seen how hard it can be on parents! Congrats to Joshua!

Unknown said...

All that work has paid off! We didn't doubt him for a second, he is such a smarty pants! Congratulations!

Ryan and Melissa said...

How exciting! Just like Jen, I didn't doubt him. He is a smart kid! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Yay Joshua! What a little smartie pants. Congratulations!

ellsworth family said...

I am so happy for you all!