Monday, December 8, 2008

We're Expecting Again!!!

Hi Everyone, we're expecting again. We had planned to keep it hush hush cause I'm only about 6 weeks along, & we weren't sure how baby would do during my upcoming surgury. Our mistake was telling the kids so early because Joshua tells everyone he can that his Mommy has a baby in her tummy. We thought we'd better tell you before you found out from someone else, or knowing Joshua, he might even call you to let you know. The kids are so excited, they'll come up and kiss my tummy and talk to baby, they always saw goodnight to it too. Then some of the things they say are not quite as cute like when Hannah said "when the baby pops out on the table we can see it then." I remind her that baby won't pop out on the table, hopefully not anyway.


Unknown said...

YIPPEE!! I just called you too so call me back whenever.

becky ward said...

i am so excited for you! congratulations!

ps what upcoming surgery?

Giles Fam said...


Jill said...

Congratulations! How are you feeling so far? And yeah... WHAT upcoming surgery??!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations you guys!!