Wednesday, December 10, 2008

School Pictures

A few weeks ago Joshua had his picture day at his preschool, and his teacher let me bring in Hannah too. She was an absolute handful, and the wait was really long, but the pics came out good, so the wait was worth it. We were worried about how the pics would turn out because when it was Hannah's turn she would only stick out her tongue for the photographer-I was so embarrassed. She must have taken a quick shot in between tongue showings to capture hannah's photo. Joshua is so sweet, he sat, smiled and waited for the photographer to take his picture.


Stacie S-H said...

ahhh what great pics! I expect your mom will put them on her wall of fame of all the grandkids!

Mrs. Wallace said...

Actually my Mom hasn't seen them yet-shhhh, don't tell her.

Jensen said...

Joshua is getting so big!! Hannah is a cutie! I love these pictures they are SOO cute!!

kristen said...

Your kids are so stinkin'cute I want to squeeze them! That Hannah looks like a mini-Nicole with blond hair.
Love you guys,
Kristen : )

ellsworth family said...

Such cute pictures! I am glad you found my blog. Yes we are still in the area. I was at Hancock Fabrics the other day and thought of you. Hope you are well.