Saturday, April 25, 2009

Graduation and more

Ok, it's been forever since I last posted, and much has happened. Benson graduated in the Taylor Chapel on April 10th. It was a great occasion, but even better we got to hear from the new apostle Elder Anderson and President Clark. A lot of family came up and we had a great time. Best of all we are completely done with all our undergrad work and never have to go back-whoo hooo! We also traveled to Phoenix last weekend to find a place to live and it was-yes 95 degrees in April! Hot, but nice and dry. Anyway, when we got home it was hard to want to go there for the summer over the cool summers here :). We found a place in Maricopa, not too far from where Benson will teach, so that's always nice. We are however moving in a week and a half, and there is so much to do. I have our annual sister's pack trip Thursday-Sunday of next week, and we still need to pack and clean. Hopefully, all will work out great. I've been checking out your posts, but I haven't left any feedback, so here is a general one: we love you and are excited for new moments in your lives! Take care!


Anna said...

Congrats! That is so neat that Elder Andersen spoke at Benson's graduation! I am glad you found a place to live. I hear that Maricopa is a great place to buy a house right now. Great prices! Last weekend was HOT, but this weekend has cooled off a bit and been really nice. Good luck with the move. Let us know if you need help unloading the truck or unpacking. We are just down the road in Gilbert and would love to come and help if you need a hand. Let us know when you get settled and we would love to see you and Benson!

Ryan and Melissa said...

Ryan and I were hopeing to make it to IF to see you before you move but man, that's quick! I don't think we have time. :( Good luck with the move and getting everything done. We love you!

kristen said...

Look forward to seeing you in a few days!

kristen said...

Look forward to seeing you in a few days!