Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Some Crafts

I've been working on a few crafts and baby items lately, here is just one that I've been doing. It's called a crayon roll, and it's perfect for keeping kids quiet in church and on road trips. I've done several different ones, but the pics are of this one, it's Joshy's Favorite.


Katy said...

You are seriously amazing, all of your projects are PROFESSIONAL quality!! I'm loving this latest Crayon Roll... I'll have to try it out. Do you have directions?

ps. hope you're feeling well lately-- hope this pregnancy is easy peasy for you!

Unknown said...

Yes I too want to know all your crafty secrets!! This crayon roll looks awesome! I want to make one.
PS I want to know your pattern for burp cloths too! :)They are the perfect shape

Mrs. Wallace said...

Jen, for the burp cloths, take one I sent you and fold it in half lengthwise. This way you'll see where you need to alter it to make the edges perfect (trace it onto a manilla folder so you can cut it to the right shape. Buy a template from a sewing store (Wal-mart doesn't carry them), I get the heaviest weighted one sold. Trace the "altered" pattern onto the template and cut it out. I then go over the edges of the plastic template with a red perm. marker so it's easier to see, or maybe I'm just getting old, who knows. Does that make sense? I tried for years to get a perfect shape, but I folded it widthwise and never could till' Benson's Mom told me to do it lenghtwise. Contact me if these instructions aren't clear, I'm not firing on all cylinders lately. I can send pics , with step by step dir. after the move if you want.