Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Some More

Ok, I found this fabric (Michael Miller) & instantly fell in love with it. It's so adorable! I've learned to order fabric online to find the good stuff, but be careful cause' it's not always safe as I have learned.

I didn't make the wet bag (pic 1), but I have all the supplies & will when I get a bit more time (after the move, I've been forbidden to sew anymore before it-I'm currently addicted to sewing). I posted a pic of the wet bag so you could see a good pic of the fabric I'm using.

For this one I just purchased plain onesies at Wal-Mart, cut out the cutest animals and then sewed them in place. I have three more to do. I'm thinking about putting a matching animal on the bootie too, what do you think-should I? Leave a comment & let me know.


Jensen said...

I think that animals on the bum look really cute! I think that you should. Your sewing projects are really cute! I am taking some of them and putting them in my "idea" file, I hope you don't mind :)

Katy said...

SOOOO CUTE!!! That's what I think! I LOOOOVE the idea of cutting out cute little patterns and sewing them on onsies!! Oh dang, now I have to start ACTING on these projects... thanks a lot! haha!

Keep up the good ideas!

Unknown said...

Sew right ahead..after you're in AZ that is. :) Your projects are cute. And where do you buy fabric online? Ahh I need to get sewing machine!!!

Mrs. Wallace said...
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Mrs. Wallace said...

Jen, I get my fabric mostly from, they have great fabric. I wasn't too pleased with their laminated fabric, but everything else is a good price and good quality. Don't order from Mom & Pop shops with fabric though, they send it in random cuts sometimes, and the quality isn't always as good.