Monday, July 27, 2009

Baby News!!!

Ok, I had yet another Dr. Apt. today and I have progressed to a 3...SOOOOO exciting!!! Also, my Dr. will get me started by Thursday if nothing has happened yet. The baby is also getting quite big-he's measuring 8lbs. 2oz. I didn't know how they guessed the babies weight until today, they just measure his femur and that tells them. It's not 100% accurate...thankfully (I'm hoping Asher is going to be smaller than predicted). Anywho...I'm so excited!!!


Stacie S-H said...

wow 8 lbs!! i hope he is a little smaller too! Well that is exciting! Thanx for letting me know what hospital. For sure give me a call when I can come visit. I would love to meet the new little guy!

Ryan and Melissa said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to see pictures of him! We're excited for you!

Whit and Andrew said...

I am so excited for you! Good luck Nicole. Have Joshua or Hannah call me since I'm sure you'll both be very busy. Love, Whit

Ryan and Melissa said...

I've been thinking about you all day today, Nicole. Do we have a baby yet? Keep us posted!