Monday, July 27, 2009

No Baby Yet

OK, I have to admit that I'm a little frustrated with this little boy...he's not willing to come out. Each day I think, "just a few more days and he'll be here," but who knows, maybe he'll be a really late baby-that would be a terrible thing to do to his mother. I have to laugh, because I have no control over his timing, yet I would love to have some say in when he comes :). My contractions are only wimpy things, and I find that most my days are spent lying down to avoid the pain of him being so low. Oh well huh? Mothers are blessed for what they do, and babies aren't like a fast food order-luckily :). I'll keep you posted on his arrival, which I hope is soon!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Girrrrrl.... i feel your pain - I was 8 days overdue with Jenna and each day felt like 10 years. This baby better not do that to me, too! I've still got 5 weeks but i'm ready to do this thing! But 114 degrees?? That's insane. Hopefully he will come TODAY!! Wishing you lots of luck! love, Jill