Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Asher's Seizures

Just thought I'd let everyone know that we're taking Asher in for an EEG in the morning. He's been having seizures everday. His pediatrician said that if I hold his limbs down and the jerking doesn't stop that they are most likely seizures. I hold him very tight and they don't stop. The outlook isn't good for infants and seizures. It can mean a variety of things from perinatal asphyxia (lack of oxygen during the birth process that causes brain damage), Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (severe epilepsy), to uncurable tumor growth on his organs, and brain. I'm trying not to be so doom and gloom about it, but I have to admit, I'm a bit scared. When it first happened I knew he was having a seizure, and it freaked me out. I just hope that they catch it, because they only observe for a little while. I don't want them to miss them. We're used to the curve balls by now with our kids, I'm just glad I knew what to look for. Heavenly Father knows everything!!!
Please keep him in your prayers.

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