Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thank You!!!

This post is dedicated to all of our friends and family! We've had so much support and prayers from you during a difficult time for us with Asher and we love you for it. Asher has only had a few episodes since all of the prayers for us started, instead of multiple times per day- a true blessing. I think it's because we had so many people praying for us & him that he is doing so well, and we thank you for it. Thank you for being there for us, we love you!!!

1 comment:

Kirk and Janelle Tingey said...

What a relief that he doesn't have a siezure disorder! I've been checking in on your posts - what a thing to go through. I'm so glad that you are getting good news about him, and that he seems to be doing better! We'll still send our prayers your way!