Monday, January 19, 2009

Are You Prepared?

I have been thinking a lot about family preparedness lately, not just food storage, but financial storage as well. There is so much we can do with a little budget. I've talked with several of my friends and they have all said the same thing, they too have felt a strong need to beef up their food storage. For those that don't have one, it's seriously so easy to do. Start today. Purchase staples first, they will keep you alive. Then, move to other things such as family favorites and extras. I always get stuff on sale, I wait, and wait (sometimes), but I've never had to pay full price. Also I use coupons, -like mad! Idaho Falls takes expired coupons too (I used one a few months ago that had expired in 2003). Also, If I don't have a coupon for what I want, I go to the store during busy hours (to ensure that they don't have the items stocked), and get rain checks. Then I go to and purchase (for pennies each) the coupons I need. I've saved so much doing this, one bill I saved over $200.00. We've always been poor & in school, and this has really helped us save tons! We love all of you, so I thought I'd post a little note to help out where I can.
Also, this summer my sister and I canned like crazy (I'd never canned before, but secretly, I've been wanting to learn for quite sometime). Now I have all the salsa, apple pie filling, applesauce, pickles, jam, green beans & peaches for a year. We got the peaches and apples free from neighbors too. The rest of it came from my sister's garden, except some salsa ingredients, and the berries I picked at a farm.
I did feel like a pioneer, but I felt industrious, frugal, and thrift at the same time. I'm not saying that some of my canned goods are not cosmetically challanged, but we have them. I was also able to get the canning jars from my Mother-in-law who didn't want them anymore.
Once I made a commitment to myself to start storing, opportunities opened up for us to expand. God will bless you, like He has us, and many others & it's really possible with scarce resources. Happy storing!
P.S. This is a great site to get started on storing:


Katy said...

Much thanks for the great tips and sites!!! I'm trying to be more and more smart with our limited budget and this was very helpful! Thanks so much!

Giles Fam said...

Thanks for the tips! I love getting tipcs on food storage and saving. And I've totally wanted to learn how to can, too! I've decided that this year is the year now that we've finally got a house...and I can put in a garden! Thanks so much for inspiring me!!