Friday, January 23, 2009


I had my first ultrasound this week and got to see the baby-it was so exciting & it finally made it real for me. I've been so sick, & it's nice to see that it's for a good cause. He (I like to call him a he) waved to us and was just so darn cute. I could see his little fingers, toes, ears and mouth. I'm still convinced it's a boy, but Benson won't say either way what he thinks were having. I think it's another Wallace boy- his booty is as small as Joshua's lol. I can't think of any boy names that I like enough to say it everyday, any suggestions?
In the first picture the white spot above his face is his hand & the dark spot on his belly is his heart.


Katy said...

Wow, you got some great pics of Baby #3! I'm with you there on boy names, when we were pregnant with Ava, we could think of ONLY girl names and NO boys! Good thing she came out an Ava and not an Avo!

congrats to you, your family is seriously adorable!!

Monette and Mark said...

Those are good photos. The pics of got of my little boy were terrible. I hope you're not feeling too yucky and able to do everything you need to. I can't believe how grown up your kids look.