Sunday, January 25, 2009

Autism is Real

This is not directed toward our readers, we love you, but I have been bombarded with ignorant and hurtful comments lately and I just needed to say something, and more than just in my journal.
I've had the unfortunate opportunity to be around a lot of people lately (mostly our ward or people I have callings near) that are ignorant to autism and know nothing of it. I've been told that autism doesn't exist, and that I just don't know how to parent my child because God is sending them down smarter now. That I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to autism, I really don't know what autism looks like, and many more things such as this. I am so fed up with it. Ignorance is ugly, and when one chooses to spill it out on others its hurtful. It's taken me years to develop "tough skin," but it's sad when it's so close to me now. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't miss our old friends from Rexburg, who were so compassionate toward us, and our trials. I felt loved, and supported, we miss you dearly. I know that things happen for a reason and maybe God is helping to strengthen me for what lies ahead. I don't know. I do know that good friends are worth their weight in gold, and life can never be too full of them. Again, please don't take this to heart, it is not directed toward our readers, I just really needed to get this off my chest.


Katy said...

I can say with CONFIDENCE that Rexburg misses you guys too. Take heart, we love and pray for you and your amazing family!

Daija said...

I'm so sorry that you are having to deal with this. I think comments like those would get through the toughest skin. It's sad how ignorant people can be. And you're so right, it is ugly.

Brooke said...

I can't believe that some people are ignorant enough to make those kind of comments to you. Autism runs in my husband's family (2 of the 6 boys in the family have some form on the spectrum) and so it's been a subject I always perk up about and am intensely interested in. I so admire your courage and was happy to read that Joshua is doing so well. Keep up the good fight my dear. Love and miss you, Brooke

Giles Fam said...

I'm so sorry people have been saying such hurtful things to you! I can't even imagine!

Rachel said...

Good for you standing up for your family! I'm sorry you have to go through that...I can't imagine what it's like, especially when it comes to your own children. Congrats by the way, I didn't know you were expecting!!!

Jensen said...

We are sorry to hear that people think that way. Ryan's oldest brother has three boys that have been diagnosed with some form of autism. Joshua has a special spirit and God must really trust you to have given you him!

Anonymous said...

You're a way better person than I Nicole. I would probably have more than a few choice words to shoot their way. Just know that not everyone is so ignorant and that you are love more than you know! What an amazing blessing it is to be chosen as a steward for such a choice spirit. ESPECIALLY within the gospel we should know that these are some of our father in heaven's finest, sent here in these last days to teach us so much about unconditional love. Joshua has a special place in my heart and we love and miss you dearly.

Denisse said...

Grrrr...that makes me so mad Nicole. Someone once said that "Ignorance is the curse of God, Knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven." These people need to read and educate themselves and also take the word of a mother who knows and understands autism better than one who has no experience with it. Grr...I'm frustrated for you...those are moments when praying for charity is a necessity!!!!:) For what it's worth I think you and your family are awesome people and I've always thought that your little boy Joshua is such a sweetheart!!! YOU ARE A GOOD MOM Nicole!!!!

Mrs. Wallace said...

Thank you all for your kind words and support, it's friends like you that help us through ugly times. Jeanna, I did struggle with what not to say for a few weeks & I really had to pray to forgive ignorance. It took me quite sometime to really let it go, I'd never had that happen before, at least not in my face like that. Joshua does gets better and better each day, his sensory difficulties have subsided with therapy as well as speech delays, and some of his gross motor delays as well. All of his therapists are trying to discharge him, mainly because of his ability. Great news because it's been a long, hard, tearful battle, but he seems like a typical child in almost every way now. Thank you again for all your support, we love you!