Monday, January 5, 2009

Is There Really Life Out There?

Ok, WOW! I've been so sick for so long that I forgot that the world existed. I can now function at about 70%, but I'll take it. The first trimester always renders me deathly ill, although I am completely unable to vomit. I think if I could, I'd feel better, but such is life huh? Sorry about the details, but the women will understand more than the men. We have returned to life as usuall, meaning the males of our home are back in school, but I have three+ weeks of cleaning on my hands and it's just not a pretty sight. With a little help from iTunes and my hubby, we'll be back on track in no time. Oh and we just celebrated Hannha's 3rd birthday yesterday, she couldn't be happier, what a cutie. We'll post pics at a later date. We love you all!


becky ward said...

i know what you mean on so many levels. glad you are feeling a little better! here's to the new year!

meng said...

Happy Birthday to Hannah! Hope you feel better!

Brooke said...

I always had the same problem - felt nauseated all the time but never could actually throw up. I would wish that I could even though friends told me it doesn't make you feel better the same way it would if you were not pregnant - it was still frustrating though. glad you're feeling better!

Mrs. Wallace said...

Thank you for all your comments, I am very happy to be feeling better now.