Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chicken Tikka Masala

I love Indian curry, especially chicken tikka masala. I was introduced to curry on my mission; there were a ton of curry shops, and it was cheap, good food, so we indulged every once in a while. Since being home, it's been very hard to find a good curry anywhere close to where we live, until now! There are curry shops in the valley, but you have to drive a while to get to them-totally worth it. The only thing is, it's so expensive, never cheap, so I decided to try my hand at making it myself. I looked for a good recipe on the Internet and found one for chicken tikka masala. I was a bit pricey to get all the spices that I didn't have, but it turned out wonderful (not like Bombay House, but good). Here is a pic.


Katy said...

Now, now, don't be shy-- give us the recipe too!!! :) I LOVE curry, LOVE IT!! Looks DELISH too!

Mrs. Wallace said...

Katy, leave me your e-mail address & I'll send over the recipe!

kristen said...

Looks totally delish! Send me the recipe - we can buy tons of different spices at our super. I would love, love to try it!

Adam and Renee said...

Nicole, I would love the recipe also! It looks delicious!

Stacie S-H said...

omgosh that looks really really good!